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Spotlight on Asian Zen

A state of Zen is described as being at peace with our own thoughts. The Asian Zen design style focuses on emphasising a sense of harmony, balance, tranquillity and simplicity in your home. This style shows the importance of incorporating nature in to your décor, often found in Asian homes.

The Asian Zen style incorporates minimalist ideals creating a relaxed and tranquil atmosphere. Certain colours and motifs can help you reinforce this style, but don’t forget that at the very core of Zen décor is a sense of tranquillity rather than specific features. Zen colour palettes usually revolve around natural colours – like white, different shades of beige, or grey. Natural textiles are favoured over impersonal synthetic options such as linen, cotton and wool.

When looking at accessories, plants are favoured over brightly coloured flowers, due to their extremally calming effect. Popular choices are bonsai trees, bamboo, snake grass and dracaena plants. Sometimes rocks, pebbles and water features are used to create a relaxed space connected to the outdoor world.

Asian Zen interiors are all about celebrating natural sunlight – bright overhead florescent lights will never be found in this design style. Windows therefore play a key role in controlling the light variance within each room. Some examples of Asian Zen lighting fixtures include: floor lamps, small table lamps, Japanese lanterns and even candles.

When it comes to curtains, there are two main takes on Zen décor: you can either choose thicker models to create a sense of intimacy while reducing outdoor noise (this is especially clever if you live in a loud area in the city) or go in the opposite direction with some see-through sheer curtains that emphasize the element of light.

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